Thursday, March 4, 2010

The 666 Identified

Through inspiration, the 666 have been identified.
Here is a video which explains who they are-

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Revelations Two Witnesses

If you are like me, you may be feeling super-disgusted
with the way man is treating man right now.
To make matters worse, the Two Witnesses are expected to raise more havoc.
So for several days I had been a little upset with Jehovah
for not allowing the Two Witnesses to do good, instead of evil.
I prayed a lot, and started to study Rev. Chapter 11.
When I was reading about the signs the Two would work,
it came to me it was not talking about people.
The Two are not two, twenty, two hundred, or two thousand.
The Two are nations.

The Two are symbolized by two olive trees and two lampstands.
People are never symbolized by olive trees and lampstands,
but nations, authorities, or governments are (Rev. 11:4).
The Two are standing before the Lord of the earth (Rev. 11:4)- who is that?

1. On February 1, 2010, I learned from Holy Spirit that
the Two Witnesses are the US and Israel.
I proved this to myself by being given an understanding
of how the prophesy of the Two was fulfilled in
"If anyone wants to harm them, fire issues forth from their mouths"
(911- Iraq-Afghanistan-Pakistan)

"authority to shut up heaven that no rain should fall"
(economic sanctions, embargo's)
"The United States has said it hopes to see sanctions against Iran
in a matter of weeks and Israel has pressed Russia to back crippling sanctions"

"to strike the earth with every sort of plague"
(WHO-Obama pandemic- CDC)
WHO Scientist: Swine Flu Pandemic Was "Completely Exaggerated"
"President Obama has declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency,"
Joseph Moshe (MOSSAD Microbiologist): “Swine flu vaccine is bioweapon”

"turn the waters to blood" Rev. 11:6,
Rev. 17:15 shows that "the waters" are "peoples and crowds and nations and tongues".
In Iraq, the US has had a part in well over a million deaths, a sea of blood.

The Two being olive trees and lampstands demonstrates that they are not individual persons.
I happened to recall that there was a plant on the US dollar bill.
To my own surprise only olives, olive leaves, and olive branches were there on it.

2. The Two do not literally go into heaven with God, because those on the earth can see them.
So this is figurative, in that they return to life and are very temporarily glorified in position.

3. I became filled with joy, that Jehovah had shown me so much favor,
by granting me this information. Jehovah has given me many things,
but this was striking to me in that I may have been the first to learn this.
And it only occurred because I was truly indignant that Jehovah would send
two prophets who would come, and only do harm. It seemed senseless.
Now I am indignant with myself, for not seeing something so plainly obvious.

4. The beast who wars with the Two is the Leopard/Bear/Lion beast,
symbolized by China-Middle East/Russia/One or more European countries.
I confess that I can only take a little bit at a time, and so Jehovah is patient with me.
For now I understand that the things which were sealed up
until the time of the end are now being unsealed.
I find it a miracle that I am having a part in this.
Don't even ask what makes me think I deserve this,
because I certainly am much more puzzled by it than you.

5. Revelation 11:8-9
"And their corpses will be on the broad way
of the great city which is in a spiritual sense called Sodom and Egypt,...
and those of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at their corpses..." NWT

"And their dead bodies lie in the street of the great city
which spiritually is called Sedom and Mitsrayim,... and some of the peoples
and tribes and tongues and nations see their dead bodies..." The Scriptures

"broad way", "street"?
Some of all peoples-tribes-tongues-nations will look/see?

The information superhighway or infobahn was a popular term used through the 1990s to refer to digital communication systems and the internet telecommunications network
The internet is a superhighway/street/broad way- from which "some of the peoples/tribes/tongues/nations" can see the now dead Two Witnesses.

Great city? Almost 1/3 of the worlds population at some time goes on the internet.
Is it fair then to call the internet a great city? Is there a greater city?

6. God put in my mind- who said this "I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy"?
I was surprised that it was not God, or Jesus. Because even if it had been,
the interpretation could remain valid. Now I learned it was the Lord of the earth.
We know that all things, including governments, stand placed in their relative positions by God.
So this Lord is the symbol of this authority, but not necessarily responsible
for every act a government, business, etc., may commit. Rev. 11:8.
Jesus was not impaled in Sodom or Egypt.
God is referred to as the Lord of heaven and earth.
Lord can even refer to Satan, who is the God of this world

The Lord must be the same Lord who is spoken of at Rev. 11:4- the Lord of the earth.
In this case the one who sends his two witnesses is the strong angel
who had his right foot on the sea, and his left foot on the earth.
Because at Rev. 11:1-3 this angel is speaking, as can be seen by the notations.

Do you understand the symbolism of the angel having one foot on the sea, and one foot on the earth.
This means that everything occurring on the planet is under his domain.
This includes the governments.

7. The spirit of Sodom was violent and perverse.
The spirit of Egypt was decadent, ungodly, dominating and egotistical.
These spirits do not symbolize Jerusalem, where Jesus was impaled with torture.
The Lord of the Two was impaled in the great city with the spirit of Sodom and Egypt.
The symbols for Sodom and Egypt can easily be associated with the internet and those on it.
Their Lord was impaled, but no mention is made that their Lord died.
Their Lord is being tortured by those on the internet (great city) by having
the Lords authorities exposed (Codex, swine flu, vaccines, fluoride, 911, etc.),
and the authorities plans are brought to failure.
Without the internet, this never would have happened.

Tonight we were driving home from Volcano Park, where we had dinner and played some pool.
It was raining lightly, but soon after leaving the park, the rain stopped.
It was about 8:15 PM, about 1 1/2 hours after dark.
We were driving southwest, and were about 45 miles from home in Naalehu.
In the sky, from in front and to the left, we saw a great dark arch,
touching the ground on both sides. It was many miles ahead of us,
and very faintly where the arch touched the ground on the right side, colors could be seen.
The sky all around above was clear with the stars shining. Still, this was a rainbow.
All four of us in the car very clearly saw it.
Behind us, just above the horizon, the full moon was rising.
The area within the rainbow was lighter than the area outside of it.
Has anyone here ever seen a rainbow at night?

It occurred to me that the strong angel had a rainbow upon his head,
so with a foot on the sea and a foot on the earth, this shows he is subject to the earth.
Even a rainbow only can achieve a limited height.

In spite of what I have taught, some here insist that the Lord
spoken of here is Jesus, that the Two are prophets yet to come
who will literally perform the expected signs,
they don't know the great city or street,
they think the strong angel is working for righteousness.

I have explained all of these things with known, real world objects.
What some would call real world tangibles.
No abstracts, no future events, no fantastic SIGNS, no conflicts, no unsolved mysteries.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Song and Sign

Saturday, November 28, 2009, I was driven to write a song.
The melody was based on the Watchtower song "We Are Jehovah's Witnesses", #113.
The words are completely reworked, to emphasize current Watchtower Society teachings, practices, and philosophy.

Sunday morning, I was sitting on the back patio, eating breakfast alone.
I was wondering if I might have gone too far, by rewriting the kingdom melody
called "We Are Jehovah's Witnesses"
Then, for one brief moment, I saw a fantastic sight.
In the grass below, about 40 or more feet in diameter, was a giant fingerprint.
This was even more unusual, because I did not have my eyeglasses on.
After I saw it, looking again, there was absolutely nothing present
anywhere on the grass that gave a hint that what I saw
was just a trick of light, or illusion.
I took this as a sign of God's protection.
Here are the lyrics to to song-









Monday, September 14, 2009

Jesus Taught

“ Jesus taught: “I want mercy, and not sacrifice…” Matthew 9:3
Jehovah’s Witnesses teach: Only by sacrifice (door to door ministry) can one enter the kingdom of God. They reject mercy- by disfellowshipping (excommunicate and shun) over 40,000 J.W.’s a year, many completely fraudulently. This is not very wise, because J.W.’s spend over 5000 hours of their time going door to door just to find one person willing to go through the arduous process of becoming baptized. ( 5000 hrs. x 40,000 people = over 200 million hours )

Jesus taught: That works were to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, help the sick and imprisoned, doing of good, have faith in Jesus, to have love, be mild tempered, merciful, peaceable. (Matt. Chapters 5, 25, John 3:16, 15:17)
J.W.’s teach: that works are door to door ministry- the only works that will let one enter the kingdom. The more you go door to door, the more you are treated with honor at the church.

Jesus taught: “Stop storing up for yourselves treasures…”
J.W.’s teach: that all of the kingdom halls and property in the whole earth belong solely in title to the Watchtower Society’s Governing Body. Even though the buildings and property are paid for and constructed by the local members of each individual church.

Jesus taught: “…all you are brothers…” Matthew 23:8.
J.W.’s teach: that the elders (priests) are a separate select group, and as such, they are entitled to regularly receive secret letters from the Watchtower Society, and they possess a secret book called “Pay Attention To Yourselves and To All The Flock”.

Jesus taught: “…everyone that confesses union with me before men, the Son of man will also confess union with him…”
J.W.’s teach: that they are the only ones who will live in God’s kingdom, all others, including Christians, must die very soon at Armageddon. Even though, everyday, Christians of other denominations are murdered because of their faith in Jesus.

Jesus taught: “If your brother commit’s a sin, go lay bare his fault between you and him alone.”
J.W.’s teach: If anything is done that may offend another, that they should tell the elders, who then as a pair of two, investigate the incident, even visiting the accused at work unannounced, if the opportunity presents itself, to ascertain if a punitive judicial committee meeting of three elders needs to be adjourned. In most cases it does. With the exception of any accused who may participate greatly in the door to door preaching, and participate at the church.

At Romans 3:4 Paul taught: “…let God be found true, though every man be found a liar…”
J.W.‘s teach: that their organization is guided by Holy Spirit. That organization can only do and teach what is true, and never make a mistake. Anyone who may speak contrary to what the organization says is considered dead, and will swiftly be disfellowshiped and shunned. In fact, they can disfellowship anyone they want, anytime they want, for any reason or excuse they want. They do not have to provide you with a hearing, they do not have to offer you the option to appeal their decision, they do not even have to give you notice of their decision. They can announce it publicly, and do all of these things without your knowledge.

Jehovah’s Witnesses was started by a small group of people who began an independent study of the Bible. This raised questions in their minds about Christian denominations teachings and practices.
J.W.’s teach: that they strictly condemn independent Bible study and questions on their teachings and practices. Anyone accused of doing such will be promptly disfellowshiped, and shunned by family and friends.
If J.W.’s do not follow Jesus, who do they follow?

Friday, July 31, 2009

Soon We Will Experience Being A Spirit In The Flesh

From a post May 11, 2009

From my post on ejehovahswitnesses (edited August 6, 2009)

Alo ha,

Yesterday, Jehovah showed me how an event will occur
that many are curious about, and would like to understand better.
That is, how the end will display itself.

Something like thunder will occur simultaneously over the entire earth.
It will travel into our bones, the shaking and physical effect of it terrifying.
It will definitely be unlike anything anyone has ever experienced,
and so this makes it difficult to explain.
I briefly felt it, and saw it's effect.

Instantly, all persons alive will become as spirits but with flesh.
We will see and feel as spirits do. Our comprehension of reality will
recognize the low value of material things.

So then, our spirit, not a part of our conscious mind now,
will become dominate in us at this time after the thunder.
Those with a righteous spirit will not be afraid,
but those who are unrighteous will be terrified, yet confident.
The terror may be a product of the knowledge that soon they will likely die.
They will be inclined to fight to the death,
and kill anyone who stands in their way, or against them.
I mention this because it is at this time the prophesy in Revelation
is fulfilled regarding the murder of the "Two Witnesses".

It is at this time, being spirits in flesh, that the "Mark" becomes the "Ulcer".
The Mark, as spoken of in Revelation, has been a mystery to most people.
The Mark is materialism, love of the world, love of money.
The Ulcer occurs at the end, a result of having the Mark.
That is because all things material will dissolve, in a figurative way.
As spirits have no need for any material thing,
those rich will suffer a dire frustration at the realization of their vanity.
Because they will realize that all the things that they did
to acquire money and material things were not only vain, but selfish.
As this is not the real life, they should have used what they had to help others,
instead of themselves.

The Bible says that the end will come as a thief.
Many visualize this as coming home after being robbed
and finding your things taken. It does not mean it in this way.

Can you predict when lightening will flash?
As the lightening flashes, it comes- as a thief.
So to, when Jesus is revealed, it will come at a moment
completely unpredictable, in a shocking way.
That is not to say that those who believe will not be expecting it in it's season.

As it is written, that two can be on a roof, one is taken.
Or a person will not even have time to grab his garment.
So it will come, just like a thunder. No advance warning of any kind, for anyone.

I cannot tell you why Jehovah continues to show such kindness to me,
it truly is amazing, very much.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Vision About New Jerusalem

July 6, 2009.
Early this morning another opportunity, as I will call it, presented itself.
That is, when I have access to information. This morning was a little unusual,
as I had the opportunity to select what information I would receive.
First I could have known something that man was up to.
But I declined the information, certain it would just make me angry.
The same for Satan and his activities.
I requested to know what the angels were doing, and Jehovah.
Then I saw the silhouette of a city, glowing white.
I noticed a large dome shaped structure.
Then I saw several layers of clouds below as I moved downward.

It was my understanding that Jehovah and the angels were just
completing this city in the heavens, above the clouds.
What I saw was not in any way the product of any previous thought,
nor anything even related to such. It was a surprise for me.

July 7, 2009
Alo ha,
Curious about what I had seen about 8:30 am Monday morning,
I looked into the Bible for a better understanding. This was about 9:30 pm.

Revelation 21:2 says "I saw also the holy city, New Jerusalem,
coming down out of heaven from God and prepared as a bride
adorned for her husband."
When I read this, I was floored. I saw the city glowing white,
and the Bible describes it as a bride adorned, commonly in white.

Revelation 21: 10-27 describes the holy city coming down
out of heaven in detail regarding it's size and construction.

Revelation 20:9 describes how after the thousand years
Gog and Magog encircled the camp of the holy ones and the beloved city.

Hebrews 11:16 also says "Hence God is not ashamed of them,
to be called upon as their God, for He has made a city ready for them."
Hebrews Chapter 11 even names some who will live in the city.
They include Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses,
Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Abel,
Enoch, Noah, Samuel, and the other prophets.
Also those tortured, imprisoned, stoned, cut up,
killed by the sword, and those who suffered severe persecution.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Vision of Obediah

Futureman posted a question on e Jehovahs Witnesses asking if others there might understand Obediah's vision. Watchman replied that it was a prophesy about the Catholic Church. I read the vision about what was referenced to as Edom and Esau.
I feel the Holy Spirit taught me what the vision referred to.
Here listed are some points from the vision, and the interpretation I was given.

1. "You are despised very much".
The U.S. is internationally despised for it's gross consumption of fuel and raw materials, it's meddling in foreign affairs, it's general arrogance and apathy
for the rest of the world.

2. "saying in his heart "Who will bring me down to the earth?""
The U.S. considers itself unbeatable in military might, and monitory security.

3. "...make your position high like the eagle,..."
The U.S. national symbol is the eagle.

4. "if among the stars there were a placing of your nest"
The U.S. uses stars on their flag.

5. "the very men in covenant with you have all deceived you."
The nations make agreements with the U.S., but do not honor these.

6. "The men at peace with you have prevailed against you."
The nations engage in trade that is biased, the result is the huge trade deficit.
Now the U.S. is deeply in debt to those "at peace" with the U.S.

7. ""And I shall certainly destroy the wise ones out of Edom,...""
No U.S. government office at all seems capable of carrying out
a wise and sound function. No one has confidence in these government offices.

8. "And your mighty men must become terrified,..."
The U.S. continually notifies the world of any country
or ruler that it considers a threat, whether real or perceived.
Korea, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Cuba, Venezuela,
El Salvador, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Russia, etc.

9. "In the day when you stood off to the side,... when strangers took...
and when outright foreigners entered his gate, and over Jerusalem
they cast lots, you also were like one of them."
In 1948 Jerusalem was placed under the control of the Arab states,
by the United Nations. Muslims destroyed most historical sites.

10. "And the exiles of Jerusalem,... will take possession of the cities of the Negeb."
This identifies the area south of Jerusalem, in a dry region.

11. Edom was south of Jerusalem, as the U.S. is identified as being the "South".

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pay Attention Book, Secret Elders book- God's will?

Aloha,- copy of letter

November 23, 2004
Dear Governing Body of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society,
May I mention a few things to you about the book "Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock"?
I have been a friend of Jehovah for over 45 years and have studied the Bible and many Watchtower publications over those years. Yet I am firmly convinced from that study , all the meetings, and the assemblies that Jehovah's faithful servant's from the beginning of history until late 1970 were NEVER given secret writings authored to a select few or one. Especially after Jesus brought the good news about God's Kingdom and firmly taught us about how we are all brothers and sisters, so much more emphasizing how wrong it appears to be supplying secret instructions to a small, select group. Not one human was ever given secret writings from Jehovah, not even those one's He personally called His "friends".

Is Jehovah Himself, the most wonderfully powerful Being in the universe, not able to support the Watchtower Society's decision to keep the "Book" secret? In fact is not this "Book" the most easily accessed publication ever printed by the Watchtower Society, as anywhere and anytime it can be reviewed on the internet? It seems obvious to me that Jehovah Himself has accomplished this. Why? That is obvious too. Jehovah is patient, but he does discipline. And this is discipline.

I have read the "Book" and find it's contents instructively beneficial (I am not nor have I ever been an elder). But this "Book" has created a huge problem. Since the books contents and instructions are secret, any deficiency in it's application is only noted by those who possess the "Book". And if these one's happen to be the "wolves" whom Jesus truthfully prophesied about, then the damage that can be done is immeasurable. I know this for a fact from my own personal experience. And I also know too that many countless one's have been fraudulently disfellowshipped, the result being that many have been stumbled, have suffered severe emotional damage, etc., and even committed suicide.

From the World's point of view, can you imagine going into the courtroom on criminal charges to find that only the Judge is entitled access to the laws, the rules of court, the proceedures, the codes, the regulations, the statutes, etc. Any country or government that practiced such a thing could fairly be thought of as corrupt. Can someone as just as Jehovah maintain a different view, especially in light of the great harm and reproach that has resulted from the secret information in this "Book", not that the information is corrupt but that those who use it do not always follow the instructions within carefully. And who's to know any differently other than the elders themselves?

If I know these things, then obviously many others do also. And of course you must have been aware of this problem for some time. There are other problems created by this "Book" aside from the judicial aspects, as again you must be well aware of by now so I won't write you about these.

The weight of this knowledge is especially unpleasant due to the fact that I am disfellowshipped, you view me as nothing, and to date you have completely ignored my many letters and pleas. I continue to wait patiently for the Watchtower Societies anointed one's to humble themselves, and make a much needed correction. We know very soon Good Jehovah and His Son are coming to make an inspection, as this has been prophesied as you have shown us.
Sincerely, William G_____ (mrgalleria)

Here is an excerpt from a letter written to the Kealakekua (Hawaii) Body of Elders on September 26, 2005:

"Without scriptural basis, the secret book "Pay Attention" and Confidential Letters have been distributed to the elders, and these same one's have accepted these in spite of their previous Bible training.

Now the only people who can read these are the elders or those accused of being apostates- an interesting association. How can elders truly be our brothers when they have their own education and information? They are a brotherhood unto themselves- the Brotherhood of Elders. And also there is a third brotherhood- the Brotherhood of the Disobedient Elders- these one's are disobedient to the instructions of the "Pay Attention" book. Many very serious problems are the result of the "Pay Attention" book (see attached letter to the Governing Body). There is no scriptural basis for the production and use of the "Pay Attention" book and secret letters, and it is most likely that their use displeases Jehovah.

2. Return the "Pay Attention" book and the secret letters to the Watchtower Society."

You can easily read the book here-

I find it's content important, especially to those who may go before
a judicial committee.

For example, when I was called to attend a judicial meeting,
I thought they were going to help me with my marital problems.
They did not tell me the purpose of the meeting, which is a violation of the book.
Later, while in abeyance (waiting for your appeal process) they forbid me from talking with anyone in the hall (Joe Moore, Ray Gritness, Fred Clough).
I was in abeyance for 2 1/2 months.

The book does have all kinds of information in one place that every baptized witness definitely needs and is entitled to.

The elders (Wolves) use this information as a point of leverage against the brothers and sisters. I observe them violate the instructions continually, which can only mean that they do not understand the book, or are simply disobedient.
Now if you are disobedient, you will be punished by them. But this book allows them to act above the law. It is a very corrupt circumstance.
So it is very fitting to apply the possession and distribution of this book to an act originating with Satan.

With this book, you can be fraudulently disfellowshipped.
Because everyone assumes that the elders (Wolves) have God's direction, and access to information that we do not. Why would someone commit suicide,
if they were justifiably disfellowshipped?
And not only are the elders (Wolves) not ever held accountable for their acts,
but whatever decision is taken by the elders (Wolves),
the Watchtower Society is compelled to support them.
The result being a very evil process.
I, too, like many here, have suffered immeasurable pain and loss because of acts committed by the elders (Wolves). I, too, came close to, and frequently considered suicide. That is despirit and traumatic. After over 7 years the pain has only subsided slightly.

I have a friend, who is still driven to tears after 30+ years, as a result of being raped in the Kingdom Hall (and the rapist was caught in the act by two elders (Wolves)- who did nothing).

I have confidence that only Jehovah is capable of bringing about the justice that we seek, and only Jehovah can relieve the pain that we suffer. We have Jesus word that both of these things shall certainly occur.

I Can Prove Evolution

evolusion ex planed

I can explaned evolusion itso simple even stoopids can under stood.
first place your papa was the ape and your grampa was the meba.
a meba is a tiny round sqishy thing like a booger but alive.
cause so when i lernt sci-ants in skool and we lernt bout animals
an the moon an things.
now you think i am lion cause you never seen no evolusion but thats cause
she (evolusion is your mama) has been takin a nap for a few thou-sand yeers
cause she was tired from makin mebas into apes, and other stuf 2.

guess but soon shes gonna wake up and start makin stuff betta and betta again.
so first she ll start with peepal and she ll take away the skin and put on feathers
like a duck so we wont hav 2 by close no mo.
and sides when we jump in the lake
and com bak out we dont need no towel.
and next she can giv us about 6 legs so we cant fall no mo.
besides we can ride a bike and swicth legs
when we git tired so we dont need cars cause they kaus polusion.
then she ll give us 2 nos s cause we can smell in 3d.
u no what 3d is, rite? don't be a stoopid.

an next we git eyes all around cause so
we can cee wher we is going and where we came from.
an next shes gonna give us 6 arms so we can do 2 things at the same time.
an reel smart guys will do 3 things at the same time and
you can git ready for church reel fast
cus you can brush your teeth, shav and comm your hare
all at the same time and she is goona keep
makin us betta and betta and even fix our biggest problem

and so peepal dont git lonly no mo and they dont hav
to stand by the skool or the park to find somebody
cus evolusion is gonna give us male (thats a boee)
and female (thats a girl) Gentiles (thats your wee wee)
both and when you make a baby you will git 10 or 20
so you dont have 2 wait for a family

an ther will be no mo sex problems cus you can bee your own wife and husband
but if you like someone than you can be hetro (boy likes girl) homo (girl likes girl)
bio (boy likes girl likes girl likes boy et setera).
So now you betta under stood evolusion so dont be a stoopid.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Modern Websites Influence in Current Prophesy

Modern Websites Influence in Current Prophesy
is a logical conclusion to arrive at in the discernment of Bible prophesy.

For example, some dispute the internet's credibility
as being a source from which God would provide a message.
Yet, in former times God message was spread over a period
of years, decades, and century's. With the internet, any revelation
from God can be shared instantly with anyone in the world.
Now the information is so pertinent, that no one has to
wait to find prophesy and interpretation. Not only that,
but anyone has the unique opportunity to communicate
with those who are interpreting prophesy, and the Bible. Instantly.
This is a power we now have unlike any in the history of mankind. is an example of a website where
righteous people from many different Christian denominations
communicate their findings and beliefs.
For the most part the individuals here a very spiritual,
tolerent, wise, kind, insightful, knowledgeable, and loving.
They are welcoming, and open, yet not to the point of being fooled.
They are cautious, in a Godly way.
Even when they may not agree with another's opinion, they will not belittle,
ridicule, insult, harass, humiliate, degrade, or suggest that someone is insane. is an example of a website to be cautious with.
The founder, Watchman- Robert King, claims to be a faithful devoted witness.
The introduction to the website claims that in order to become a member,
one must agree not to contest the primary teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Bible.
This is a complete deception.
Watchman regularly ridicules just about every aspect of JW teaching.
He undermines some of the most vital JW teachings,
including the sign of Christs presence in 1914.
He claims that Jesus presence and revealing are the same.
While he claims that many signs remain to come, he admits we live in the last days.
From my point of view, he is clearly one of the false prophets
prophesied about to come in this time.
He is causing dissensions, misleading people.
He has found a good venue for this, because he is
attracting people who are used to following others,
largely normally restrained from developing and recognizing
information from which they are not accustomed.

Recently, Watchman has become so arrogant, that he exposes himself clearly.
Apparently, he has observed that his followers overlook his wickedness,
which emboldens him more.
For example, the topic of the Two Witnesses has arisen.
One time he wrote to me "Might I ask, are any of you Internet prophets
able to turn water into blood or make it not rain for forty-two months?
Just curious as to your reply. We already know the answer."

The amazing thing about this comment is that I had never
claimed to be one of the Two Witnesses, and the whole basis
of everything he is, says, and does is inseparable from the internet.
By ridiculing me for being what he claimed to be an Internet prophet,
he denied that he was one.
Yet, all those who know of him and his teachings, found everything on the internet.

Watchman also said to me "Of course, it is understandable
that you would object to such simple reasoning since you
apparently have your sights set on presenting yourself as one of the two witnesses.
I suppose if it is any consolation for us we can look forward to you
being splayed out on the broadway. LOL" (LOL- means laughing out loud).

Basically, he admits to being of the class of people who murder the Two Witnesses,
and then celebrate their murder. After this comment,
I reasonably don't know how one person could return to this website.
But his followers largely ignored his very wicked comment. Totally shocking. is despiritly misnamed.
It's like putting up a sign the reads "Resort Beach", and when you enter,
it's just quicksand where you instantly sink and die.
It would more correctly be named
This is where bad Jehovah's Witnesses go after they
leave the Watchtower Society and die spiritually.
There are a good few hangers on, who may fantasize
that there is hope for a few there, but I am sorry to see their efforts wasted.
They can count on being degraded, ridiculed, intimidated,
bullied, insulted, called names, treated to a ferocious double standard.
This site considers injustice the norm.
So it is fair to say, they have gained nothing from leaving
the Watchtower Society, because now they are more hypocritical,
intolerant, and unkind then they ever could have been before.

June 10, 2009
Like JWSupport, is a place where God
and the Bible are treated like losers. Not a healthy place,
but a place of scorn and ridicule would be a more accurate description.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Vision about Paris

There was another "event". I cannot attribute it to any source with certainty.
I will just relate what happened and you decide. We all hope it never really happens.

Early Sunday morning, (March 8, 2009) I saw something very brief
(about 10-15 seconds) in a vision while I was awake.
Everything I saw was in black and white, except for one thing.
I was high up looking down on a city with unusual architecture.
From the lower right, I observed a jet, and a neon blue missile
shot away and towards the North-West.
I wondered "Is this Paris, and was that an atomic bomb?"

Then I drifted down to the street where I saw people wearing black hats
with the little thing in the top (like the French wear- a beret) and saw Disney characters.
That was it.

I did a little research and did a Google Earth of Paris. It was the city that I saw from above.
It is unique, as the structures look like legos, open in the center. See for yourself.
I had never seen this before. It turns out that I also found a Disneyland is in Paris,
something I did not know. It is about 30 Km. east of Paris, I learned later.
I Googled blue bomb, and found two.
One powerful atomic bomb made by the British is an air to surface missile.
The Blue Steel Missile. The French have a A bomb called the Gerboise Bleue.

My observation- A plane coming from South- East could be thought of
as coming from Iran, or a similar location. But the bomb is French or British.
After it had exploded, no one would know for sure where it came from, the evidence is gone.
Another, more significant 911, false flag operation?

BTW- I never would have said anything about
this Paris thing except that I have had three confirmations:

1. On the same morning, the first thing my wife told me
when she awoke was that she dreamed "a lot of people died".
She said people were in pieces everywhere. Later, to her surprise,
people who were alive were coming out of tubes in the ground.
They were dry, but she also saw rivers around,
so she thought that they should have been wet.
I did not tell her what I had seen.

2. I told a friend (a Remote Viewer) that I had a target, and it was a location.
That's all.
He assumed that I was looking for info about my family.

He saw something like the Eiffel tower leaning,
A lot of the color blue (unusual),
A hole in the ground with debris around it,
something moving in a sweeping motion right to left,
fresh water rivers (Paris is surrounded by rivers),
something above (or below something),
something bowl shaped, with a bowl on top, and blue (bomb),
bowl blue inside, felt as under it, sensed it was moving,
Empty swimming pool (hole in the ground) empty bowl shaped area,apart, broken
At hole- it was rocky, scary, foreboding,
Tunnels, wash drains, cave,
The word Torkle
(see-Torkle Patterson- Military and key Government posts- -who said-"I'm a little bit wary of
tape recorders and microphones and cameras, coming from the silent National Security Council.
We're on time and we're silent! Meaning that we don't like to speak for attribution.
So I just have to ask -- am I talking on the record, or am I talking on background?")

Torkle Patterson was an assistant to the President, worked in key positions in Government, the Pentagon, the National Security Council.
In 2005 Torkle Patterson became PRESIDENT of RAYTHEON.
Google RAYTHEON, it will knock your socks off. Their goal- Aspiring to be the most admired defense and aerospace systems supplier...

RAYTHEON has built the Bunker Buster, Tomahawk, Patriot, TOW, Maverick, Javelin missiles. Government electronics, space, tech info, defense, tech services, special mission aircraft, homeland-border security, radar, sensors, antartic program.
Raytheon paid millions in fines for over charging the gov., acquiring secret budget info, etc.
Raytheon is the CIA- it has been claimed.
RAYTHEON is the supplier to E-SYSTEMS, who purchased the company associated with the name AIR AMERICA, who transported arms and drugs during the Vietnam War.
Photos of RAYTHEON weapons-

3. I know a very credible medical intuitive who said the following about my vision
after going through a protocol-
The event will occur around June 1-10, 70 km. radius of destruction,
centered about 30 km. east of Paris. The intent is to provoke retaliation against Iran.
Very few know about this, it seems to be initiated by some members of NWO.

Google Iran atomic bomb, and you see a huge media fascination with this subject.

May 12, 2009
Here's an update on the Paris event.
In early March, one week after the vision, when I spoke with the intuitive,
I was told the event scored 8-9 out of 10 in likelihood of occurring.
I then proceeded to post the vision on at least 6 web sites including abovetopsecret,
which has a huge readership. I also notified every English speaking Paris newspaper and news organization.
The result also exposed what may be one of the masterminds behind the event- Torkel Patterson.

Recently, the intuitive told me that the event now was scoring a 2-3 out of 10 in likelihood of occurring.
So now I am hopeful the event has been called off.
But this info opened some other event to the intuitive,
and that was a plan to explode an even more powerful bomb south of Mexico City.
If not called off, this could occur in about 4 months, not according to me, according to the intuitive.

Explain this- When I first told this story,
and posted it on many web sites. Then I Googled Torkel Patterson.
On the first page that came up, the links were listed that went to those web sites,
citing Torkel's involvement in a nuclear attack on Paris.
Starting from the third position from the top of the first page.

Today I Googled Torkel Patterson, and went through 30 pages, but no mention of Torkel and the Paris vision.
IT WAS REMOVED! Even if you Google Torkel Patterson Iran Paris. Nothing. Someone EXPLAIN this please!

May 13, 2009
Actually, intuitive is a very general reference. Everyone has intuition, as you know.
Some have a highly developed natural sense, others receive training though a huge variety of resources.
The intuitive that I know is a very competent and specialized medical intuitive.
She has invented a therapy called Medical Alchemy, and is just finishing her book.
She travels around the world training people her Medical Alchemy. You can read about her here-
I have found her to be an incredible resource in my alternative energy research.
I highly value her opinion.

May 26, 2009- I have been concerned about the vision.
Yesterday I got a note from the intuitive who has been regularly monitoring this.
She said it has elevated from a level of 2 in 10 to a level of 4 in 10.
I am getting nervous about this.

June 1, 2009. An Air France plane disappeared. A white plane with blue lettering and stripes, a few red stripes and 228 people. It may be on land in Venezuela, near Palencho.
The Paris event has been upgraded to 8 of 10, June 10-15.

Two Beasts, Image, and Mark Explained

Understanding a life saving warning.

7 Headed Leopard/Bear/Lion Beast- First Beast-

The Watchtower is correct in identifying this Beast
as Government, multiple heads as multiple conglomerate
World Powers who control land, murder, and pollute the earth.
They are mastered by king Satan and his demon princes.

Lamb/Dragon Beast- Second Beast-

The Watchtower is wrong. This is one entity of THEY.
They are Mega Commerce, The World Bank, AKA Bilderbirg, AKA Illuminati.
THEY control shipping, energy, transport, raw materials, manufacturing,
weapons, media ownership, food, entertainment, pharmaceuticals, etc.
THEY control all mankind, and suppress beneficial information.
THEY are a small group of humans working for common purposes.
THEY appear like a lamb by providing all these things for mankind,
but act as a Dragon by enslaving mankind.
THEY are mastered by their king Satan and his demon princes.

Learn more about the Lamb/Dragon Beast here-

This would define who or what the Lamb/Dragon Beast is.
Because who gives power to the Image?

Isn't it major commerce, big business, the world bank,
those who own the most, control the most, have
access to unlimited funds? In some circles they
are known as the Illuminati, Free Masons, The Skulls,
the Bilderburgs. And, interestingly, many of these
are accused of following Satanic cults.

It is very hard to understand prophesy,
without the aid of the Holy Spirit.

The Image of the Wild Beast (the Lamb/Dragon Beast)-
Definition of Image- an artifact, two dimensional picture,
similar appearance to some objects, usually an object or person,
photograph, screen display, statue. Captured by camera,
mirror, lens, telescope, microscope, human eye.

The Watchtower is wrong.
The Image (two dimensional) is TV, computer, radio,
magazines, newspapers, advertisements, etc.
These portray all things of the Beast (2)-
desire, materialism, escapism, violence, sex, self-gratification,
love of the world, love of money, etc.
Not the image of God- His will, His desires, His purposes.
The Image is subject to the king Satan and his demon princes.

If you think about it, and the Image is TV, music,
entertainment,etc.; people are under compulsion
to watch this talking Image many hours everyday.
People live for it. It exercises a form of control
over all humans. It is a powerful Image.

The "Mark" is like a seed that was planted,
and it grows inside a person.
It develops into selfish desire, craving, materialism,
a love of the world, a love of money.

The "Mark" on the forehead and hand is the clear
and obvious demonstration of materialism.
Seeking possessions, the new- the better- the best,
more and more, bigger, fancier.
For the ego, for the pleasure, for the status.
Well, this means that when someone loves the world,
or is materialistic, it is clear in that you can visibly see
what these people do, what they seek, what they possess,
what they say, and how they act towards these things of Satans world.
It cannot be concealed. Even fully dressed, our hand
and/or forehead is always exposed.

Posts by The Forgiven (Prophesy regarding the "mark".
Those who are marked with the Beast are opposite of those who are marked with the name of God on their foreheads. Same explanation of the mark, although different in characteristics. Those with the name of God are their forehead represent those who's mind is influenced by the Holy Spirit. Those who are marked with the Beast on their forehead are those who's mind is influenced by the Beast. The hand represents the working hand, just as Christ is the working hand of God (Right Hand).

Those who accept the things of the Beast show that their works (hand) and influence (mind) are with what the Beast proposes. Those with the name of God on their forehead show that their devotion is to the things of God.
Why many teach a literal mark is beyond me....God never taught it, so why should we?
By their fruits, you shall know them. Those who submit to the Beast are showing that they choose loyalty to him. Those who submit themselves to Christ will refuse anything the Beast forces them to do.

When reading the Old Testament, the same language is used to identify the child of God, to the children of Satan. Those who live for God, embrace the Laws of God within their minds, and binds them on their right hand. This symbol was used to show that the outside is marked in the inside, with the Laws of God. The same for the children of the their fruits, you shall know them.

The theory of a micro-chip is too modern, and would have made absolutely no sense to the seven churches of Asia, who first heard the vision. THEY needed help, and encouragement, because of the things they were being forced to do, especially in Ephesus, where Emperor Trajan was forcing everyone to worship him and his image. Those Christians lived in constant friction between them, and the outside world. The other Christian territories suffered Emperor Worship at least once a year, or even several times a year. Thus, identifying a Christian was not difficult to do, EVEN without a literal mark on their hand or forehead. SO if it wasn't hard for them to do then, why should it be hard now? Unless of course Christians are difficult to be viewed as Christians, especially in our day.

Therefore, I understand your question, but an outward mark was not required to accuse anyone of being a Christian in the first century, any less than it's required now. Walk down the streets of our own Country, and you should be able to see who is Goldy, and who is Beastly. Or do we all need "I'M A JESUS PEOPLE" T-Shirt to wear, just to be identified as a Christian? I should certainly hope not. Thus a Christian is identified by their works, and thoughts; the same for sinners of the unsaved. What we wear on the outside means nothing.

Oh, and regarding the "Buying or selling", Emperor Domitian enforced a standard that all who would not submit to him, or his politically claimed divinity, were not able to participate in the Roman market. In fact, Domitian seized all land, and assets, of anyone who belonged to the "sect" Christianity. That is why many believe Domitian is the one who banished John to the island of Patmos. After Domitian's death, Christians were set free, and most who were still alive, were able to retrieve their land, and possessions.

With love:


The "Ulcer" occurs at that time when materialism,
possessions, ego, status are exposed as having false value,
worthless, a hindrance, a shame, an excessive load that
means nothing, or less if one dies because of the "Mark".

Revelations Seven Congregations Here Now

May 14, 2009
I have to give my wife credit for this, as it never occurred to me.
We were talking last night, and she mentioned that
when she was reading about the seven congregations,
it was referring to Christian religions, or denominations.
What she said seemed very true.

As a result, I searched to see how many Christian denominations there were.
Do you know how many there are?

1. Protestant (Lutheran, Jehovahs Witnesses, Morman/LDS, etc.)
2. Baptist (Amish, etc.)
3. Orthodox
4. Adventist
5. Anglican (Episcopalian)
6. Presbyterian
7. Catholic.
The reason they are in this order will be shown.

Next I did research to see if the letters in Revelation
would give an indication as to which congregation represents which denomination. Guess what?
Each denomination is very clearly identified by what is said in Revelation.

1. Protestant- Rev. 2:1-7. Ephesus. Labor and endurance. Cannot bear bad men. But they left the love they had at the start. Hate the sect of Nicolas (Idolatry).
(JW well know for not having love. Protestants are well represented by the Rev. description)

2. Baptist- Rev. 2:8-11. Smyrna. Suffer tribulation and poverty. Suffer persecution and be tested.
(2/3 of US blacks are Baptist. Baptists were heavily persecuted in Russia)

3. Orthodox- Rev. 2:12-17. Pergamum. By the throne of Satan,
teaching of Balaam (any false teaching to stumble others), The teaching of Balaam-

“the teaching (doctrine) of Balaam” - one way the Lord described false religious doctrines ...
The “teaching of Balaam” is symbolic of false teaching? – metaphor, symbolic
- Rev. 2:14 teaching that puts a stumbling block before people, whereby they fall into sin".
teaching of Nicolas (Idols). "The historical Saint Nicholas is remembered and revered among Catholic and Orthodox Christians. He is also honoured by various Anglican and Lutheran churches. ...Saint Nicholas is a popular subject portrayed on countless Eastern Orthodox icons, particularly Russian ones. He is depicted as an Orthodox bishop,...In Roman Catholic iconography, Saint Nicholas is depicted as a bishop,...Saint Nick is celebrated by all the Christian communities in Lebanon: Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Armenian....(In Greece) St. Nicholas being the protector of sailors, he is considered the patron saint of the Greek navy,..."

Saint Nicolas is the most highly idolized saint in all Christian religion.
The sect of/or following Nicolas is Idolatry. There are many Nicolas
idols all over the world, in countless forms, including Santa Claus.
(Orthodox is offshoot of Catholics, still very close. Follow the writings of Greek Fathers.
Centered in Greece and the surrounding area.)

4. Adventist- Rev. 18-29. Thyatira. Prophetsees Jezebel who teaches and misleads.
(Ellen White, the self claimed prophetees who claimed to write inspired things.
Many followed her.) "Ellen White said that we must never feel or say that we are saved.
Even while I was I was in the church I felt it to be unbiblical.
Honestly, if someone believes what the bible says about being saved,
how can they call EGW a prophet?"
bettyw: "Ellen White was a false prophet."
I must defend my position on EW. She matches the description
of the women called Jezebel to a tee. If the shoe fits then ????
Also, Great Conterversy page 433 gives all the prove one needs
to see that she was being led by the false god.
This, however does not make SDA the wrong church.
They also fit the description for the Ten Virgins and Sardis.
---Dr._Rich on 11/9/07

"By her own words Ellen White is found to be a liar and a false prophet."

"Ellen White was Jezebel..."

"All ellen white's books are fake and very dangerous for a good spiritual and mental health.
...It's incredible , the obelisk ellen white tomb is directly linked to paganism worship, freemasonary, and so that means ellen white was nothing more than a baal worshipper,
like the wicked and pagan Jezebel the wife of Achab was:"

5. Anglican- Rev. 3:1-6. Sardis. Not awake, dead, not found deeds performed.
(Each church has its own doctrine, no central doctrine, off shoot of Catholics)

6. Presbyterian- Rev. 3:7-13. Philadelphia. Have a little power, not false, endured.

7. Catholic- Rev. 3:14-18. Laodicea. Rich, not hot or cold, naked and blind.
(Largest, richest Christian church, not spiritual, idolatry)
"The city remains a titular see of the Roman Catholic Church,
Laodicensis in Phrygia; the seat has been vacant since 1968."

What are the lost books of the Bible? They were texts and letters suppressed
by early "Church Fathers". There was an important historical event,
back in the 4th century. It is called the Council of Laodicea.
It changed history two significant ways. At this council they
determined what would and would not be considered canon.
They decided what would and would not be included
in the Bible or read at church. (Canon #60.)

See the topics listed on the right- Catholic church and Laodicea considered one in wealth.

I just did a brief analysis. I am certain that if someone wants to research this more,
they will find even more evidence. But the distinctions are clear.

1975- 2010 and The Disgusting Thing

From my post at jwsupport:

This is absolutely amazing. This is other information which confirms
exactly what I had mentioned under another topic about an explanation
of how 1975 was a date which confirmed a particular Bible prophesy.
Thank you Cofty for posting that quote, I read that with shock.

Like 1914, the Watchtower was only partially correct in their prophesy about that year.
I recently recognized that 1975 was a prophetic year, and the following events explain how.

Jesus said "when you catch sight of the disgusting thing
that causes desolation standing in a holy place..."

1. 1975, the first year of peace and security, as announced by the president.
No steps were initiated to actually start peace and security,
but the announcement was made regarding future intentions.
2. After this date, the Watchtower Society was involved with the U.N.
3. Soon after 1975, Ray Franz disassociated himself from the Watchtower Society because the governing body was no longer following Holy Spirit.
4. By 1979 the secret elders book "Pay Attention to Yourselves and The Flock" was ready for print.
5. Secret letters to the elders began to be distributed monthly.
6. Subliminal demonic and sexual illustrations began appearing in publications after 1975. See the "You Can Live Forever" and "Revelation" book.
7. After 1975 many anointed ones started getting disfellowshipped.
8. As mentioned by rus virgil, beginning January 1, 1976, a major shift occurred in the administration of the Watchtower Society.

These prove that the disgusting thing had taken control of
the Watchtower Society, that is, It was standing in the Holy Place.

Next the writer said "let the reader use discernment"

Of course, the Watchtower Society is not going to warn you that they are
going to come under the direct control of Satan, so you must discern that yourself.

Next was written "begin fleeing to the mountains"

This means to abandon the things of this world. The end is near, if you devote yourself to getting rich, or any other selfish pursuits,
you will be wasting your time. Get to know Jehovah, and rely on Him.

(from Rus Virgil's link- So, let us see how we can find this number. At page 109 of the book “Jehovah's witnesses, proclaimers of God's Kingdom”, in the second paragraph the following appear:

“Starting with 1 st January 1976 all the activities of the Watch Tower Society and of all the congregations of Jehovah's witnesses in the entire world have entered under the supervision of six administrative committees of the government corps."
(And here we have the first six)
Then, we read on:
“In accordance with this measure, on 1 st February 1976 a similar modification took place in every branch of the society."
(And this is the second six)
Then, going down to the third step – the congregation we observe that there is a committee, which handles all the problems of the congregation. This committee is formed out of six members (and here is the third six) with the following functions and responsibilities:
1 – president;
2 – secretary;
3 – accountant;
4 – the supervisor of the minister school;
5 – the supervisor of the ministry service;
6 – the person who is in charge of the literature department.
All these together represent the number 666!) END OF LINK from Rus Virgil.

Further, consider this- about the three and a half times.

If a time were 10 years, times were 20 years and a half time were 5 years, that would be 35 years. If 35 years started in 1975, then it would end in 2010. Now in the spring of 2002, I asked the Holy Spirit when Armageddon would come, and I understood 8 years. Now I understood that by the spring of 2010 it will come as mentioned by all of the preceding. I have always believed that if I knew this, others did also.
Many here have criticized the WTS for setting years, but the WTS was partially right about 1975 being significant, like 1914.
The Bible says that no one knows the day or hour. True.
Does it say no one knows the year? Does it say no one knows the season? It does not even imply that.
Some assert that it does, but they cannot provide a concrete basis for that assumption.

This is the first time I have revealed this information, like the vision I told you about previously.
I will have to assume, based on replies to rus virgil, that you will assume that I am a few eggs short of a dozen. And that being true, what better place, then, to post this info.
Bill (Copy of post at jwsupport- )

From a following post on jwsupport:

I forgot to mention something else.

After countless years of home book studies, the WTS has discontinued this meeting.
I recognized the reason for this being that the message will soon change.
Those who have been in the truth a while are aware that, after over 100 years of preaching the good news of the Kingdom, a time would come when the message would shift to a message of Judgment.
It will become dangerous for witnesses to meet in homes when this message begins.
So this meeting was discontinued in anticipation of the delivery of the message of Judgment.

Over the last 7 years, I have come upon info about 6 months before it comes out in the Watchtower. Using this analogy, I guess the WTS will announce the new message to be delivered sometime between August and January. It is my understanding that there is a special assembly in December that no one is supposed to miss.
Regarding 1914. Satan WAS cast to earth, having great anger. Even removing any/all Bible prophesy cannot remove this historically obvious event.

I know that you can prove we will not know the day and hour.
Can you prove that we will not know the year or season, I mean PROVE?

You seem to have overlooked the obvious. If the Disgusting Things presence is to be so clearly apparent, then why did Jesus need to warn us about it? And why use the term "DISCERNMENT"?
Discernment- discrimination; acuteness of judgment and understanding, judgment, perspicacity, penetration, insight.
Only those with insight, understanding, and acuteness of judgment will see the Disgusting Things presence.

If the home book study was discontinued for financial reasons, then it should have been discontinued at least 40 years ago. People in poor countries have always had to suffer to attend any meetings. The home book study was one of the most upbuilding studies there was. Very spiritual.

Someone referred to the Judgment message as programing. Would you say, then, that to Noah?
The End WILL come, we have God's promise.
Do you believe, then, that we all have exactly the same knowledge and understanding?
Do you believe it is possible for someone to know or understand something someone else does not?
Do you believe that the Holy Spirit is a teacher?
Do you not believe the prophesy that prophets would appear in the last days?

Visions, prophesy, and miracles are for those who have faith, not the faithless.
Moses performed 10 prophesies to a large nation, which immediately followed, yet people still did not believe.
Jesus performed miracles every day for 3 1/2 years, still may did not believe.

For the faithful one- one miracle, vision, or prophesy is one more than they need to believe. These things are for an encouragement. So much more so the reason for Jehovah to grant such things to those who have this kind of faith.
Visions, prophesy, and miracles are for those who have faith, not the faithless.
If means if
May means may
Could means could
I used if, may, and could because I was only relaying information. I never told anyone that they HAD to believe me

Let me share with you how the Holy Spirit worked with me.
This comment is for informational purposes only.
You are not under obligation to believe anything that I write or say.

After receiving the Holy Spirit in the spring of 2002, the following occurred.
I would ask questions silently in my mind, and the answer
would come to me as knowledge, instantly.
Just like when you have knowledge the sky is blue,
you don't have to look up to check.
I never heard any voices, nor saw images, nor visions.
Except a little over a year ago, I did have a powerful vision,
which I may relate at a later date.

On a couple of occasions, the question was answered before I
had even completed asking it. This began occurring almost 7 years ago,
and I have not told anyone this until now.
So if I were bragging, or just simply mad, it does not seem entirely logical that I could control myself enough to seal my lips for so long.
Could you exercise that much self-control?

I had e mail contact with Watchman about the vision that I had,
and he suggested that I post it on this web site.
Maybe he does not agree with me about everything,
but he offered me the chance to be here.
In fact, I posted comments on his videos and commentary's in a critical way
even before I was approved to be a member here.
In spite of this, my wife and I really enjoy his videos,
and commentaries. That is how I found this site.

Prophesy is almost never realized until it has been fulfilled.
Prophesy's fulfillment is frequently unexpected in realization.

A million or more Jews anticipated Jesus arrival by date
and location as a result of many dozens of prophesies.
Did the Jews recognize the presence of God's son in Galilee? No.
Did the Jews recognize Jesus when he revealed himself to them in the synagogue? No. Were they not filled with joy? No.
They were angry, and wanted to kill him.
Jesus traveled about, teaching and performing miracles.
The people asked "Could this be the Christ?"
But many were stumbled because he taught with parables.

Was not it prophesied that the Christ was to be their King,
and did not some, believing Jesus to be the Christ, try to make him King?
Were they not also stumbled when be proved to them
to be no part of their understanding of prophesy?

After Jesus was put to death, how many Jews recognized Jesus as the Messiah?
Was it 75%?, 50%?, 25%? Wasn't it less than 10%?

What happened? All those prophesies, and no one understood.
They lacked vision, discernment, and most importantly lot's of faith.
Is it not just possible, but all too likely that we are no different?

I have proved to you that I have vision, discernment, and faith.
(Have I not explained these things to you,
and how can someone explain something, unless he understands it?)

Will you prove to me that you have vision, discernment, and faith?
If you cannot, then it is very unlikely that you will understand and interpret prophesy, no matter how much you study and discuss.
Were not the Jews experts in such matters, yet God's prophesy eluded them?

Do you recall how Jehovah did this in the past?
Did He not use humans to provide a warning?

You are right about the Holy Spirit.
Jehovah is actively using the Holy Spirit right now,
especially so because of the importance of this time.
Have confidence, the time is nearby.

This should be our goal, that through discernment,
we come to understand God's will in prophesy.
No one should be so presumptuous to assume they
can calculate and formulate the interpretation of a prophesy,
without a Godly trained insight. And Holy Spirit.
If it is not granted, no understanding will occur.

Is abuse by aposers not a clear indication of correct interpretation,
as history has clearly shown this to be true. Why do they ridicule
and lie about someone, unless they are afraid of something?
Something true.

You wrote "Does your God-given discernment
or "Holy Spirit" unveil dark clouds of misunderstanding
or ignorance over large parts of the Bible"?
I can only think, Boy, would that be nice.
But I don't think that has ever happened for anyone.
(with the exception of Jesus, of course)

And therein lays the problem.
When someone does have an understanding revealed to them,
and others discern this, it is too easy for the one receiving
the blessing to begin relying on their own understanding
about other things, when people come to question them further.
Like what happened to Peter, he thought he had faith and understanding,
but attempted to get Jesus to consider not giving up his life.

I am constantly aware of the responsibility that comes
from accepting this blessing. I am now under obligation
to state any personal opinion or insight with regard to how
I communicate with others as such.

As Paul wrote, then, that they became "slaves" of the "spirit".
Many here seem to have questions about the anointed,
do they have more (or special) knowledge?
Do they sin, like the test of us?

Saul was anointed, yet later, began to feel that
it was according to his own power, that he had achieved success.
Solomon was anointed, yet later, began to feel
that it was according to his own power that he had achieved success.
Judas received Holy Spirit, and his righteousness
was indistinguishable from the other apostles.
He bore witness of the Good News, expelled demons,
and healed people, along with the others.
But he began to rely on his own understanding.

This can happen today too. Some can begin to rely
on their own understanding, and soon lose contact
with the Holy Spirit as a result.

May our confidence remain in Jehovah and
His promises, especially in light of the
critical times that we are now enduring.

But the things I told you were not a product of great understanding,
knowledge, wisdom, study, comprehension, books, reading, listening,
or any source on the earth, or available to man.
These things were given to me, free, a gift.
I remain grateful.

Vision About Jesus Revealed at the End

Alo ha,

Yesterday, Jehovah showed me how an event will occur
that many are curious about, and would like to understand better.
That is, how the end will display itself.

Something like thunder will occur simultaneously over the earth.
It will travel into our bones, the shaking of it terrifying.
It will definitely be unlike anything anyone has ever experienced,
and so this makes it difficult to explain.
I felt it, and saw it's effect.

Instantly, all alive will become spirits with flesh.
As explained previously, we are spirits with bodies.

But some here disputed this obvious fact. We have a spiritual need,
and we try to manifest the fruits of the spirit.
Why would we be doing these if we are not spirits?

So then, our spirit, not a part of our conscious mind now,
will become dominate in all mankind at this time after the thunder.
Those with a righteous spirit will not be afraid,
but those who are unrighteous will be terrified.
It is at this time, being spirits, that the mark becomes the ulcer.
That is because all things will dissolve, in a figurative way.
As spirits have no need for any material thing,
those rich or carrying debt will suffer a dire frustration.

The Bible says that it will come as a thief.
Many visualize this as coming home after being robbed
and finding your things taken. It does not mean it in this way.

Can you predict when lightening will flash?
As the lightening flashes, it comes- as a thief.
So to, when Jesus is revealed, it will come at a moment
completely unpredictable, in a shocking way.
That is not to say that those who believe will not be expecting it in it's season.

As it is written, that two can be on a roof, one is taken.
Or a person will not even have time to grab his garment.
So it will come, just like a thunder. No advance warning of any kind, for anyone.

All living persons on the earth will instantly
see through eyes and understanding of spirit.
That is why those with the Mark will feel the Ulcer.
Material things- homes, possessions, and even debt will cause great anxiety.
Please, use your surplus to help others, and repair all your debts.
I would not have seen this, if it was not very near.

I cannot tell you why Jehovah continues to show such kindness to me,
it truly is amazing, very much.

June 1, 2009. When unrighteous ones recognize their destruction is eminent,
they will kill the Two Witnesses, and attack Christians.
They will attribute their new power and understanding to themselves,
because of their arrogance. They will then war with God.